The Last of Us: ben dieci premi ai DICE Awards, tra i quali il Game of the Year

Naughty Dog sbanca

NOTIZIA di Simone Tagliaferri   —   07/02/2014
The Last of Us
The Last of Us
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Anche quest'anno il DICE ha assegnato i suoi riconoscimenti al mondo videoludico. Il titolo più premiato di questa edizione è The Last of Us di Naughty Dog che si porta a casa ben dieci premi su tredici nomination, tra i quali il Game of the Year. Insomma, di nuovo complimenti a questo capolavoro che non smette di portare soddisfazioni ai suoi autori e a noi tutti. Vediamo l'elenco completo dei premi e dei premiati.

Game of the Year
The Last of Us

Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design
The Last of Us

Outstanding Achievement in Story
The Last of Us

Outstanding Character Performance
The Last of Us - Ellie

Casual Game of the Year
Plants VS Zombies 2

Role-Playing/Massively Multiplayer Game of the Year
Diablo III

Outstanding Innovation in Gaming
The Last of Us

Sports Game of the Year

Racing Game of the Year
Forza Motorsport 5

Fighting Game of the Year
Injustice: Gods Among Us

Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year
XCOM: Enemy Within

Family Game of the Year
Super Mario 3D World

Mobile Game of the Year
Plants VS Zombies 2

Handheld Game of the Year
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Adventure Game of the Year
The Last of Us

Online Game of the Year
World of Tanks

Action Game of the Year
Bioshock Infinite

Outstanding Achievement in Animation
The Last of Us

Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction
The Last of Us

Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering
The Last of Us

Outstanding Achievement in Gameplay Engineering
Grand Theft Auto V

Outstanding Achievement in Game Direction
The Last of Us

Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition
BioShock Infinite

Downloadable Game of the Year
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons