Arriva la modalità Hardcore nel Survival di Uncharted 4: Fine di un Ladro

Interessante aggiornamento applicato al multiplayer di Uncharted 4

NOTIZIA di Giorgio Melani   —   06/02/2017
Uncharted 4: Fine di un Ladro
Uncharted 4: Fine di un Ladro
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Il nuovo aggiornamento applicato ad Uncharted 4: Fine di un Ladro aggiunge la modalità Hardcore al multiplayer del gioco Naughty Dog, le cui animazioni sono state recentemente premiate agli Annie Awards.

L'update è piuttosto sostanzioso e aggiorna diversi elementi del gioco, oltre a correzioni varie e aggiustamenti al bilanciamento. La modalità Hardcore, in particolare, richiede alla squadra di superare 50 ondate progressive di nemici. Aggiunta anche la modalità Classic al multiplayer nella playlist beta test, che rimuove mystical e scagnozzi e si concentra sul combattimento standard. Vediamo qua sotto le note complete in inglese dell'aggiornamento in questione, nel frattempo vi ricordiamo dell'annuncio di Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, un'espansione stand alone che si presenta caratterizzata da diverse novità rispetto a Fine di un Ladro:

-Bug fixes

  • Bug fix for clients using c4 and mines against djinn boss
  • Fix for players being able to melee Disciple warlords against walls
  • Indra's Eternity no longer slows the vulnerable timer of warlord bosses while in the vulnerable state
  • Fix for enemies occasionally bind posing during combat
  • Fix where players will lose HUD and become invincible if the Indra Warlord's teleport grab is interrupted by an explosion
  • Fix for Explosive Expert not awarding the advertised bonus damage
  • Player's damage bonuses for level, weapon level, and boosters are now calculated correctly
  • Fix for late joiner losing their gear, cash, and weapon when respawning before completing the wave
  • Armour NPCs will now drop appropriate score

-Balance changes
Arsenal price ramp based on difficulty
  • Easy costs will be multiplied by .75
  • Normal costs will be multiplied by x1
  • Hard costs will be multiplied by x1.25
  • Crushing costs will be multiplied by x1.5

  • All bosses now avoid Indra's Eternity and El Dorado player mysticals
  • Brute enemies stagger less often from headshots
  • Increased grenade, mine and C4 arsenal cost
  • C4 is now earned at the same rate as Grenades and Mines
  • Increased the cost of Indra's Eternity
  • Decreased Sprit of the Djinn and Path of Indra price ramp when purchased from the arsenal
  • Double ammo for Barok, Harbinger and Desert 5 when purchased from the arsenal
  • Reduced ammo for Stoner from 150 to 100 when purchased from the arsenal
  • Reduced costs of all Heavy Weapons in the arsenal
  • Increased duration of Sprit of the Djinn from 20 seconds to 30 seconds
  • Increased base run speed of Sprit of the Djinn
  • Path of Indra now revives downed teammates

-New qualifier system
  • Qualifiers are now based on points earned rather than matches won. This allows your personal performance to impact your advancement to a much larger degree.
  • To pass from Gold I to Platinum 3, for example, you need to earn at least 35 points over the course of 5 matches.
  • Points earned are still based on your grade for that match, with an S grade on a win awarding the maximum of 40 points.
  • Overachieving on points required will gives you bonus points upon advancing to the next rank (to a maximum of 50 points).
  • Failing a qualifier series with negative points will penalize you by that many points.

-Master rank system update
  • We have revamped the way points are handled in Master Rank. Instead of being a grind for points, the system focuses on your average performance.
  • Players will enter into Master Rank with a 200 match rating average.
  • At the end of a match, you will receive a Match Rating and this will be factored into your "20 game average". This average represents your Master Rank points.
  • The maximum possible Match Rating is 1000, and the lowest is -1000. Get better scores, higher kills, revives and assists, while minimizing deaths to maximize your Match Rating.

  • Bug fix for awarded chests not opening for the player
  • Bug fix for players that are unable to connect to multiplayer or are taking a long time to connect to multiplayer
  • Fix for profile data loss
  • Accounts that were affected by the profile loss will have their level restored
  • Fixed several crashes
  • Bug fix for multiplayer audio settings resetting when backing out to the main menu
  • Adjusted weapon skins to fix bright weapon skin issues in certain levels