La lista dei trofei per Ico & Shadow of the Colossus: The Collection

Tanti achievement da sbloccare per i due classici

NOTIZIA di Tommaso Pugliese   —   16/08/2011
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus: Classics HD
Ico & Shadow of the Colossus: Classics HD
News Video Immagini

Sulle pagine del PlayStation Blog EU, Fumito Ueda e gli sviluppatori di Ico & Shadow of the Colossus: The Collection hanno descritto le fasi che hanno caratterizzato il lavoro di rimasterizzazione di questi due classici per la pubblicazione su PlayStation 3, fornendo contestualmente la lista dei trofei inclusi.

- Enlightenment (Platinum)
- Rescue (Bronze)
- Failure (Bronze)
- Armed and Ready (Silver)
- East Gate (Silver)
- West Gate (Silver)
- Farewell (Silver)
- Royal Arms (Gold)
- Emancipation (Gold)
- Split the Watermelon (Gold)
- Spiked Club (Gold)
- Shining Sword (Gold)
- Bench Warmer (Gold)
- Express Journey (Gold)
- Castle Guide (Gold)
- Unscathed Escape (Gold)

Shadow of the Colossus
- Wander and the Colossus (Platinum)
- Valley Wanderer (Bronze)
- The Sloth (Bronze)
- Disturbed Sleep (Bronze)
- Path of Gravestones (Bronze)
- Aerial Dance (Bronze)
- Entombed Giant (Bronze)
- Waves of Thunder (Bronze)
- Wall Scaler (Bronze)
- Slumbering Caveman (Bronze)
- Unknown Tracks (Bronze)
- Guardian Unleashed (Bronze)
- Silent Thunder (Bronze)
- Signs in the Sky (Bronze)
- Shielded Guardian (Bronze)
- Valley of the Fallen (Bronze)
- Final Colossus (Bronze)
- The Forbidden (Silver)
- Wander and the Forbidden (Silver)
- Climber (Gold)
- Hang Glider (Bronze)
- Resistance (Silver)
- Collector (Silver)
- Meticulous Collector (Gold)
- Slippery Ride (Bronze)
- Agro Circus (Silver)
- Cornucopia (Gold)
- Tower of Prayer (Silver)
- Endangered Lizards (Gold)
- Stalwart Wander (Gold)
- Mighty Wander (Gold)

Fonte: PlayStation Blog EU