F.E.A.R. (FEAR - First Encounter Assault and Recon) - Trucchi

TRUCCO di Lello Sarti   —   06/06/2007
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Non ci sono trucchi per questa versione

PlayStation 3

Per sbloccare tutti i livelli come nome del profilo mettere il codice F3ARDAY1 e tutti i livelli del gioco saranno sbloccati

Xbox 360


Tutti i livelli
Inserire la parola F3ARDAY1 come profilo utente (NOTA: le imprese sbloccabili qui sotto sono disabilitate se usate questo profilo utente)


Munizioni Hog (35)
Vincere la Campagna usando meno di 500 serie di munizioni

Armacham (5)
Completare l'Intervallo 7 della Campagna

Assalitore (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con il G2A2 in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Belly Gunner (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con il turret in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Black Belt (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con il Round House Kicks, Flying Kicks, o Slide Tackles in qualunque ranked MP games.

Brawler (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con Punches or Rifle Butts in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Bullet Sponge (5)
Usare 50 tuniche nella Campagna o in azione istantanea

Dead Eye (35)
Uccidere 150 nemici Headshots in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Demolitions Expert (35)
Uccidere 200 nemici the N6A3, AT-S or M77 in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Disintegrator (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the Type-7 in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Dual Machinist (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the SM15 in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Environmentalist (5)
Uccidere 10 nemici barrels, fire extinguishers or fuse boxes in the Campaign or Instant Action.

Explorer (35)
Find every Health Booster and Reflex Booster in the single player campaign.

Explosives Expert (5)
Uccidere 3 o più nemici con il singolo N6A3, AT-S o M77 in the Campaign or Instant Action.

Exterminator (35)
Uccidi tutti i nemici in the Campaign.

Feared (5)
Complete every Instant Action map on any difficulty except Low.

Fearless (35)
Win the Campaign on any difficulty except Low.

Fearless Flagman (75)
Successfully capture 50 flags in ranked CTF or SlowMo CTF games.

Fearsome (100)
Complete the Campaign on Extreme difficulty.

Grenadier (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the N6A3 in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Initiation (5)
Complete Interval 2 in the Campaign.

Intel (5)
Gather every phone message and lap top in the Campaign.

Medic! (5)
Use 50 Medkits in the Campaign or Instant Action.

MP 100 (5)
Participate in 100 rank Multiplayer games of any type.

MP 1000 (75)
Participate in 1000 ranked Multiplayer games of any type.

Multiplayer Victory (75)
Win any ranked Deathmatch, SlowMo Deathmatch, or Elimination Multiplayer game.

No Fear (35)
Win every Instant Action map on Extreme difficulty.

No Juice (65)
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty without using any boosters.

Perforator (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the 10mm HV Penetrator in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Pistoleer (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the AT-14 in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

PumpShotty Ownage (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the VK-12 in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Real Time (65)
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty without using SlowMo.

Repeating Offender (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the MP-50 in qualunque ranked Multiplayer games.

Rocketman (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the MOD-3 in any ranked Multiplayer games.

Sapper (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the M77 in any ranked Multiplayer games.

Secret Facility (5)
Complete Interval 10 in the Campaign.

Slow Jo (5)
Uccidere 5 nemici con one SlowMo use in the Campaign or Instant Action.

Slums (5)
Complete Interval 8 in the Campaign.

Sniper (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the ASP in any ranked Multiplayer games.

Sub-Jugator (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the RPL in any ranked Multiplayer games.

Survivalist (150)
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty without dying.

Team Victory (5)
Win 5 each of ranked CTF, SlowMo CTF, TDM, SlowMo TDM, and Team Elimination games in Multiplayer.

Trap Layer (5)
Uccidere 50 nemici con the AT-S in any ranked Multiplayer games.

Water Treatment Facility (5)
Complete Interval 3 in the Campaign