Svelati gli "obiettivi" di Halo: Reach

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NOTIZIA di Jacopo Mungai   —   02/08/2010
Halo: Reach
Halo: Reach
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Dopo la conferma data da Bungie sul fatto che Halo: Reach è ormai pronto all'esordio su Xbox 360, uno sbarco fissato lo ricordiamo per il prossimo settembre in esclusiva sulla console Microsoft, è trapelata in rete la lista degli achievements ufficiali che saranno sbloccabili con il progredire dell'esperienza di gioco. Tutti coloro che non volessero rovinarsi la sorpresa sono ovviamente invitati a non leggere la lunga lista degli obbiettivi riportata in calce all'articolo.

  • Completed the Campaign on Normal difficulty
  • Completed the Campaign on Heroic difficulty
  • Completed the Campaign on Legendary difficulty
  • Completed every mission in Halo: Reach alone, on Legendary
  • Completed the 2nd mission on Normal or harder
  • Completed the 3rd mission on Normal or harder
  • Completed the 4th mission on Normal or harder
  • Completed the 5th mission on Normal or harder
  • Completed the 6th mission on Normal or harder
  • Completed the 7th mission on Normal or harder
  • Completed the 8th mission on Normal or harder.
  • Completed the 9th mission on Normal or harder
  • Completed the 10th mission on Normal or harder
  • Cleared the 2nd mission without setting foot in a drivable vehicle
  • Killed 2 vehicles at once with the Target Locator in the 3rd mission
  • Hijacked a Banshee during the Reach Campaign
  • Killed the Elite Zealot before he escaped during the 5th mission
  • Performed an Assassination against an Elite to survive a fall that would've been fatal
  • Destroyed the Corvette's engines & escort in under 3 minutes in the 6th mission on Heroic or harder
  • Finished the 9th mission on Legendary with the Scorpion intact
  • Earned a Triple Kill while Jetpacking in Campaign, Firefight or Matchmaking
  • Killed 7 Moa during the 2nd mission of the Campaign
  • Killed 3 of the anti-aircraft batteries during the 8th mission
  • Used a Health Pack to replenish life after taking body damage
  • Performed an Assassination on an enemy
  • Killed 10 enemies in a Firefight or Campaign session with the M6G pistol
  • Killed 10 enemies in a Firefight or Campaign session with the DMR Traded weapons with an AI ally in Campaign
  • Killed 10 enemies in Firefight or Campaign with a supercombine explosion
  • Let a teammate spawn on you 5 times in an Invasion Matchmaking game
  • Earned a First Strike Medal in a Matchmaking game
  • Won a game of Invasion in the 1st phase
  • Earned a Killing Spree in multiplayer Matchmaking
  • Earned a Killionaire medal in Firefight
  • As an Elite, killed 5 Spartan players in Matchmaking
  • Scored 15,000 points in Score Attack Firefight Matchmaking
  • Scored 50,000 points in a Firefight game
  • Scored 200,000 points in a Firefight game
  • Scored 1,000,000 points in a Firefight game
  • Completed a Firefight set on Legendary without dying
  • Purchased an item from the Armory that required the rank of Lt. Colonel
  • Reached the rank of Corporal in the UNSC
  • Reached the rank of Captain in the UNSC
  • Used the File Browser to upload a file to your File Share
  • Completed all of the Daily Challenges in a given day
  • Purchased an item from the Armory
  • Recommended a file to someone
  • Advanced a Commendation to a Silver state
  • Completed a Weekly Challenge