Battlefield 4 - Aggiornamenti confermati per PC e PlayStation 4 in arrivo domani

Varie correzioni in corso

NOTIZIA di Giorgio Melani   —   02/12/2013
Battlefield 4
Battlefield 4
News Video Immagini

DICE ha confermato il rilascio previsto per domani delle patch per le versioni PC e PlayStation 4 di Battlefield 4, con l'aggiornamento previsto verso le ore 1:00 PST.

Gli aggiornamenti hanno intenti differenti su entrambe le piattaforme, come si legge dalle rispettive note riportate qua sotto e in generale vanno a correggere vari elementi critici all'interno del gioco, oltre che preparare la strada per il rilascio del DLC China Rising, previsto arrivare agli utenti Premium sempre domani. Anche le versioni Xbox One e PlayStation 3 riceveranno aggiornamenti nel corso della settimana.

PC patch notes
- Removed the blur effect on soldiers that appeared when Commanders were using EMP attacks
- Fixed the audio bug where audio sometimes randomly dropped out while playing on certain multiplayer maps (typically Golmud Railway and Hainan Resort)
- Fixed the "one-hit kill bug" where occasionally damage from a single bullet was applied multiple times
- Fixed a common crash that would occur when exiting from the Single Player Campaign to Main Menu
- Tweaked the network and computer performance screen to show proper values. Players can now test their computer and network connection and get recommendations if they need to adjust something to improve their gameplay experience.

PS4 patch notes
- Fixed the "one-hit kill" bug where bullets were sometimes applying their damage multiple times to a character. This could lead to firefights where normal rifles sometimes dealt one-shot kills, which is not as designed
- Fixed a crash that could occur when having a very large amounts of Friends
- Enabled audio in PS4 video captures.

Fonte: CVG