State of Decay - Una grossa patch per la versione PC

Corretti e migliorati diversi aspetti del gioco

NOTIZIA di Giorgio Melani   —   24/04/2014
State of Decay
State of Decay
News Video Immagini

Undead Labs ha rilasciato una sostanziosa patch per la versione PC di State of Decay, che va a correggere e migliorare diversi aspetti del gioco.

L'aggiornamento stabilizza la fluidità, migliora la gestione della fisica e dei veicoli e introduce nuovi comportamenti per gli zombie, che adesso tendono a colpire e mangiare anche gli NPC. Ecco le note complete e ufficiali, suddivise per ambiti di applicazione:

Physics and Pathing

  • Made vehicles less flippy
  • Improved vehicle entry distances
  • Added a physics test when a vehicle flips to avoid throwing you out of the environment
  • Fixed glass failing to break properly
  • Fixed potential crash when zombies try to path outside of the playable area
  • Fixed zombies occasionally running in straight line towards target through collision
  • Fixed zombies getting stuck facing each other
  • Fixed dead zombies running in place
  • Reduced instances of zombies walking through doors
  • Radius is now proper on aggro range (fireworks, talking dolls, etc. now only pull nearby zombies)
  • Hordes no longer target buildings they can’t infest
  • Changed the floor height on industrial warehouses to fix pathing


  • Increased snap distance of all guns
  • Removed rotation spread penalty on all assault rifles and SMGs
  • Tuned aim friction

Graphics and Sound

  • Smoothed framerate
  • Increased range for the home base audio loading
  • Fixed base environment audio preload

Zombies and AI

  • Zombies prefer tasty NPCs (taunting, blazing, cowering NPCs)
  • Zombies prefer tasty targets (fireworks, talking dolls, etc. over echos and disturbances)
  • Cleaned up zombie distribution

Outposts and Resources

  • Corrected the daily resource calculations on asset page of journal
  • Capped the number of resources you can receive on subsequent offline days at 15
  • New outpost resource model
  • Each outpost costs 1 material for upkeep for the first day you’re offline
  • All resource outpost types now correctly generate resources
  • If an outpost contains resources it generates 3 of that resource

Cleaning up Under the Hood

  • Fixed bug preventing the Steam leaderboard score from maintaining your highest scores
  • Retroactively award Breakdown achievements for unlocked characters
  • Implemented fix for crashes if an NPC is trying to enter a vehicle and you exit and continue
  • Fixed an issue with button substitutions
  • Changed main menu selection to support upcoming Lifeline DLC
  • Fixed world-reset issue when switching from the base game to Breakdown and vice versaice versa

Fonte: VG247.com