L'Humble Fight for Racial Justice Bundle offre 50 giochi e 25 libri per un valore di migliaia di euro

L'Humble Fight for Racial Justice Bundle è un nuovo bundle contro il razzismo che offre ben 50 giochi e 25 libri per soli 28 dollari.

NOTIZIA di Simone Tagliaferri   —   17/06/2020

L'Humble Fight for Racial Justice Bundle è una nuova iniziativa benefica che comprende la bellezza di 50 giochi e 25 libri. Si tratta di un pacchetto speciale i cui proventi andranno tutti a sostegno di organizzazioni dedite alla lotta contro le discriminazioni razziali. Per avere tutto basta spendere 28 dollari.

Non è delle proporzioni del bundle contro il razzismo di itch.io, ma è comunque un affare grandioso.

Pagina dell'Humble Fight for Racial Justice Bundle

Giochi inclusi nel bundle

  • A New Beginning: Final Cut - Steam
  • Age of Wonders III - Steam
  • All You Can Eat - Steam
  • Armello - Steam
  • Baba Is You - Steam, DRM Free
  • The Ball - Steam
  • BioShock Remastered - Steam
  • Broken Age - Steam, DRM Free
  • Company of Heroes 2 - Steam
  • Crowntakers - Steam
  • Darkest Dungeon: The Shieldbreaker DLC - Steam
  • EarthNight - Steam
  • Eastside Hockey Manager - Steam
  • Elite Dangerous - Steam
  • Endless Space Collection - Steam
  • Football Manager 2020 - Steam
  • Framed Collection - Steam
  • FTL: Advanced Edition - Steam, DRM Free
  • Gonner - Steam
  • Gunscape Standard Edition - Steam
  • Hyper Light Drifter - Steam
  • In Between - Steam
  • The Jackbox Party Pack 4 - Stream
  • Kerbal Space Program - Steam
  • Kingdom: Classic - Steam
  • Knights of Pen & Paper 2 - Steam
  • MirrorMoon EP - Steam
  • My Memory of Us - Steam
  • NBA 2K20 - Steam
  • Neo Cab - Steam
  • Newt One - Steam
  • No Time To Explain Remastered - Steam
  • Observer - Steam
  • Overgrowth - Steam, DRM Free
  • Overlord II - Steam
  • Pesterquest - Steam
  • Planet of the Eyes - Steam
  • Plunge - Steam
  • Realpolitiks - Steam
  • Regular Human Basketball - Steam
  • Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing - Steam
  • Spelunky - Steam, DRM Free
  • StarCrossed - Steam
  • Super Time Force Ultra - Steam, DRM Free
  • Surviving Mars - Steam
  • System Shock: Enhanced Edition - Steam
  • System Shock 2 - Steam
  • This War of Mine - Steam, DRM Free
  • Titan Quest Anniversary Edition - Steam
  • Vertiginous Golf - Steam, DRM Free

Libri inclusi nel bundle

  • Attack on Titan Anthology
  • Bitter Root Vol. 1
  • The Book of Awesome Black Americans
  • Black History in Its Own Words
  • Black Women in Science: A Black History Book for Kids
  • Decolonizing Wealth - ebook + audiobook
  • Falling In Love With Hominids
  • Feed The Resistance: Recipes + Ideas for Getting Involved
  • Ghost in the Shell: Global Neural Network
  • The Lessons of Ubuntu: How an African Philosophy Can Inspire Racial Healing in America
  • The Man Who Cried I Am
  • The Power of Protest: A Visual History of the Moments That Changed the World
  • Prince of Cats
  • Resist!: Tales From a Future Worth Fighting Against
  • The Rust Programming Language
  • Seven Sisters and a Brother
  • Shaft: A Complicated Man
  • Six Days in Cincinnati
  • The Smart Girl's Guide to Privacy
  • Starfinder Core Rulebook
  • Twelve Years A Slave
  • Unsung America
  • We Are the Change: Words of Inspiration from Civil Rights Leaders
  • Yo, Miss: A Graphic Look at High School
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