Mini-guida a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force

SOLUZIONE di Fabio Cristi   —   02/07/2007
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force


Per ottenere una o più ricette relative ad un certo personaggio sarà necessario batterlo, se fa parte del Gruppo 1, soltanto una volta, mentre gli altri dovranno essere sconfitti almeno una decina di volte. Prima di duellarli, però, molto spesso sarà necessario aver soddisfatto certi requisiti, visto che altrimenti sarà impossible effettuare i combattimenti. Se volete creare le vostre ricette, andate nel menu Deck Edit, premete Triangolo per far comparire un menu secondario e selezionate la voce Deck & Recipe Menu, quindi salvate il mazzo in uno slot vuoto, come ricetta, scegliendo Save Recipe. Potete anche sovrascrivere un vecchio mazzo, perdendo tutto quello che avevate salvato in precedenza in quello slot. Per caricare una ricetta, la voce da selezionare è invece Load Recipe, che eliminerà il mazzo con cui state giocando, se non l'avete salvato in precedenza. Nella schermata di caricamento potete comunque premere il tasto Quadrato per visualizzare le ricette che siete riusciti ad ottenere dai PNG contro cui avete duellato. Per cancellare le ricette, dovete selezionare l'opzione Recipe Viewer nella stessa schermata da cui è possibile accedere al menu Edit Deck. Scegliete la ricetta che volete cancellare, poi selezionate Delete Recipe per farlo. E' possibile anche recuperare carte singole dai PNG, ma anche in questo caso ci sono delle differenze tra quelli del Gruppo 1 e tutti gli altri. Quando avrete portato al massimo l'Heart Level dei primi, potrete tranquillamente chiedere loro le carte per riceverle, mentre per quanto riguarda gli altri, anche in questo caso dovrete batterli almeno dieci volte. Attenzione, però, perché se avete già tre copie della carta in questione, non ne riceverete un'altra.

Mini-guida a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force


L'elenco seguente mostra le ricette più importanti dei personaggi principali del gioco.

Mazzo: New Hero Summon
Mostri: (2) Elemental Hero Avian, (2) Elemental Hero Burstinatrix, (2) Elemental Hero Clayman, (2) Elemental Hero Sparkman, (1) Cyber Jar, (1) Dark Catapulter, (1) Elemental Hero Bladedge, (1) Elemental Hero Bubbleman, (1) Morphing Jar, (1) Winged Kuriboh, (1) Winged Kuriboh LV10, (1) Wroughtweiler
Incantesimi: (1) Creature Swap, (1) Dark Factory of Mass Production, (1) Dark Hole, (1) De-Fusion, (1) Fusion Sage, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Avarice, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Reinforcement of the Army, (2) Skyscraper, (1) The Warrior Returning Alive, (1) Transcendent Wings
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Hero Signal, (1) Magic Cylinder, (2) Sakuretsu Armor, (1) Solemn Judgment
Fusioni: (3) Elemental Hero Flame Wingman, (2) Elemental Hero Madballman, (1) Elemental Hero Steam Healer, (1) Elemental Hero Tempest, (3) Elemental Hero Thunder Giant

Mazzo: Ultimate Hero
Mostri: (1) Elemental Hero Avian, (1) Elemental Hero Burstinatrix, (2) Elemental Hero Clayman, (2) Elemental Hero Sparkman, (1) Cyber Jar, (1) Elemental Hero Bladedge, (1) Elemental Hero Bubbleman, (3) Elemental Hero Wildheart, (2) King of the Swamp, (1) Morphing Jar, (1) Winged Kuriboh
Incantesimi: (1) Creature Swap, (1) De-Fusion, (2) Fusion Recovery, (1) Fusion Sage, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Avarice, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Reinforcement of the Army, (2) Skyscraper, (1) The Warrior Returning Alive
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Hero Signal, (1) Magic Cylinder, (2) Sakuretsu Armor, (1) Solemn Judgment, (1) Torrential Tribute
Fusioni: (2) Elemental Hero Flame Wingman, (1) Elemental Hero Madballman, (1) Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster, (1) Elemental Hero Steam Healer, (1) Elemental Hero Tempest, (3) Elemental Hero Thunder Giant, (1) Elemental Hero Wildedge

Mazzo: Power of Slifer Red
Mostri: (2) Elemental Hero Clayman, (2) Elemental Hero Sparkman, (1) Cyber Jar, (1) Elemental Hero Bladedge, (3) Elemental Hero Wildheart, (3) King of the Swamp, (1) Morphing Jar
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (1) De-Fusion, (3) E-Emergency Call, (2) Fusion Recovery, (1) Heavy Storm, (2) Miracle Fusion, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) R-Righteous Justice, (2) Reinforcement of the Army
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Magic Cylinder, (2) Sakuretsu Armor, (2) Solemn Judgment, (1) Torrential Tribute
Fusioni: (3) Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman, (3) Elemental Hero Thunder Giant, (3) Elemental Hero Wildedge


Mazzo: Flying Discus
Mostri: (2) Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive, (2) Gyroid, (2) Jetroid, (2) Patroid, (3) Rocket Warrior, (3) Steamroid, (1) Thunder Nyan Nyan, (3) UFOroid
Incantesimi: (2) 7 Completed, (1) Bait Doll, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Limiter Removal, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Scapegoats, (1) Swords of Revealing Lights, (1) United We Stand
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Covering Fire, (2) Dust Tornado, (1) Just Desserts, (1) Magic Cylinders, (2) Malfunction, (2) Trap Hole
Fusioni: (3) Steam Gyroid, (3) UFOroid Fighter

Mazzo: Together
Mostri: (3) Drillroid, (2) Gyroid, (2) Jetroid, (2) Patroid, (2) Rocket Warrior, (3) Steamroid, (1) Thunder Nyan Nyan, (3) UFOroid
Incantesimi: (1) Bait Doll, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Limiter Removal, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Scapegoats, (1) Swords of Revealing Light, (1) United We Stand
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Covering Fire, (2) Dust Tornado, (1) Just Deserts, (1) Magic Cylinder, (2) Malfunction, (2) Trap Hole
Fusioni: (3) Steam Gyroid, (3) UFOroid Fighter

Mazzo: Salutation from the Abyss
Mostri: (2) Ambulanceroid, (3) Amphibious Bugroth MK-3, (2) Catapult Turtle, (3) Mother Grizzly, (3) Servant of Catabolism, (3) Submarineroid
Incantesimi: (3) A Legendary Ocean, (1) Heavy Storm, (2) Level Limit - Area B, (1) Limiter Removal, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Salvage, (1) Swords of Revealing Light, (2) Terraforming
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Gravity Bind, (3) Robbin' Goblin, (3) Solemn Judgment, (1) Torrential Tribute

Mazzo: Animal Mayhem
Mostri: (3) Big Koala, (3) Bubonic Vermin, (3) Des Kangaroo, (3) Des Koala, (2) Kangaroo Champ, (3) Maji-Gire Panda, (3) Nimble Momonga
Incantesimi: (1) De-Fusion, (1) Dian Keto the Cure Master, (2) Forest, (1) Last Will, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Scapegoat, (2) Silent Fiend, (1) United We Stand
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Castle Walls, (2) Destruction Punch, (2) Michizure
Fusioni: (3) Master of Oz

Mazzo: Beast Tamer
Mostri: (3) Big Koala, (3) Bubonic Vermin, (3) Des Kangaroo, (3) Des Koala, (3) Gyaku-Gire Panda, (1) Kangaroo Champ, (3) Nimble Momonga
Incantesimi: (1) De-Fusion, (1) Dian Keto the Cure Master, (2) Forest, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Last Will, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Scapegoat, (2) Silent Fiend, (2) The Reliable Guardian, (1) United We Stand
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Destruction Punch, (2) Michizure
Fusioni: (3) Master of Oz

Mazzo: Satsuma Dimension Style
Mostri: (3) Big Koala, (3) Bubonic Vermin, (3) Des Kangaroo, (3) Des Koala, (3) Gyaku-Gire Panda, (3) Nimble Momonga
Incantesimi: (2) Ayer's Rock Sunshine, (1) De-Fusion, (1) Dian Keto the Cure Master, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Last Will, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Scapegoat, (1) Silent Fiend, (1) United We Stand, (1) Wild Nature's Release
Trappole: (2) Beast Soul Swap, (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Destruction Punch
Fusioni: (3) Master of Oz

Mini-guida a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force


Mazzo: Star of the Silver Screen
Mostri: (3) Blade Skater, (3) Command Knight, (1) D.D. Warrior Lady, (3) Etoile Cyber, (1) Magician of Faith, (1) Mind on Air, (2) Princess of Tsurugi, (3) Warrior Lady of the Wasteland
Incantesimi: (1) Fusion Gate, (1) Heavy Storm, (2) Malevolent Nuzzler, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Reinforcement of the Army, (1) Scapegoat, (1) Snatch Steal
Trappole: (3) Attack and Receive, (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Dimension Wall, (1) Divine Wrath, (1) Forced Back, (1) Hallowed Life Barrier, (1) Judgment of Anubis, (2) Sakuretsu Armor
Fusioni: (3) Cyber Blader

Mazzo: Beauty Is Strength
Mostri: (2) Blade Skater, (3) Command Knight, (2) Cyber Gymnast, (1) Cyber Jar, (2) Cyber Prima, (2) Cyber Tutu, (1) D.D. Warrior Lady, (2) Etoile Cyber, (2) Magician of Faith, (2) Warrior Lady of the Wasteland
Incantesimi: (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Lightning Vortex, (2) Malevolent Nuzzler, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Reinforcement of the Army, (1) Scapegoat, (1) Snatch Steal
Trappole: (1) Barrel Behind the Door, (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Divine Wrath, (1) Forced Back, (1) Judgment of Anubis, (1) Magic Drain, (2) Sakuretsu Armor, (1) Solemn Judgment, (1) Synthetic Syraphym, (1) Torrential Tribute
Fusioni: (3) Cyber Blader

Mazzo: Queen of the Academy
Mostri: (2) Blade Skater, (3) Command Knight, (3) D.D. Assailant, (1) D.D. Warrior Lady, (3) Etoile Cyber, (2) Magician of Faith, (2) Warrior Lady of the Wasteland
Incantesimi: (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Lightning Vortex, (1) Mage Power, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Nobleman of Crossout, (2) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Reinforcement of the Army, (1) Shrink, (1) Snatch Steal, (2) The A. Forces
Trappole: (2) Bottomless Trap Hole, (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Judgment of Anubis, (2) Sakuretsu Armor, (2) Solemn Judgment, (1) Torrential Tribute
Fusioni: (3) Cyber Blader

Mazzo: Quintuple Combine VWXYZ
Mostri: (3) V-Tiger Jet, (3) X-Head Cannon, (3) Shining Angel, (3) W-Wing Catapult, (3) Y-Dragon Head, (3) Z-Metal Tank
Incantesimi: (2) Combination Attack, (2) Frontline Base, (1) Fusion Weapon, (1) Inferno Tempest, (1) Limiter Removal, (2) Luminous Spark, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Silent Fiend, (1) Swords of Revealing Light
Trappole: (2) Bottomless Trap Hole, (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Formation Union, (2) Return from the Different Dimension, (2) Roll Out!
Fusioni: (3) VW-Tiger Catapult, (3) VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon, (3) XY-Dragon Cannon, (3) XYZ-Dragon Cannon, (3) XZ-Tank Cannon, (3) YZ-Tank Dragon

Mazzo: Resurrected Dragon
Mostri: (3) Luster Dragon, (2) Armed Dragon LV10, (3) Armed Dragon LV3, (3) Armed Dragon LV5, (2) Armed Dragon LV7, (3) Flying Kamakiri #1, (3) Masked Dragon
Incantesimi: (2) Creature Swap, (1) Dark Hole, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Level Up!, (1) Lightning Vortex, (1) Megamorph, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Avarice, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Snatch Steal, (3) Stamping Destruction, (1) Swords of Revealing Light
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Light of Intervention, (2) Raigeki Break

Mazzo: Awakening of the Beasts
Mostri: (2) Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts, (2) Berfomet, (3) Phantom Beast Cross-Wing, (2) Phantom Beast Rock Lizard, (3) Phantom Beast Thunder-Pegasus, (3) Phantom Beast Wild-Horn, (3) Pitch-Black Warwolf
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mage Power, (1) Megamorph, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Snatch Steal, (1) United We Stand, (2) Wild Nature's Release
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Ojama Trio, (2) Raigeki Break, (2) Sakuretsu Armor, (2) Solemn Judgment, (1) Torrential Tribute, (1) Waboku
Fusioni: (3) Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast

Mini-guida a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force


Mazzo: Brilliant Radiance
Mostri: (1) Asura Priest, (2) Blade Knight, (1) Copycat, (3) Disciple of the Forbidden Spell, (1) Electromagnetic Bagworm, (2) Freed the Brave Wanderer, (2) Jowgen the Spiritualist, (2) Kaiser Glider, (1) Marshmallon, (2) Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke, (1) Reflect Bounder, (1) White Magician Pikeru
Incantesimi: (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Lightning Vortex, (2) Luminous Spark, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (2) Special Hurricane, (1) Swords of Revealing Light
Trappole: (2) Bottomless Trap Hole, (2) Magic Jammer, (2) Non-Fusion Area, (1) Really Eternal Rest, (2) Seven Tools of the Bandit, (1) Torrential Tribute, (2) Widespread Ruin

Mazzo: Pitch Darkness
Mostri: (3) Mad Dog of Darkness, (1) Breaker the Magical Warrior, (1) Ebon Magician Curran, (1) Invader of Darkness, (3) Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, (3) Manju of the Ten-Thousand Hands, (1) Mask of Darkness, (1) Sangan, (3) Spirit Reaper, (3) Swordsman of Doom Lithmus
Incantesimi: (1) Lightning Vortex, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (3) Ritual of Lithmus, (1) Snatch Steal
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Crush Card Virus, (2) Final Attack Orders, (2) Light of Intervention, (3) Spell Shield Type-8, (2) Spirit Barrier (1) Torrential Tribute

Mazzo: Invasion of Flames
Mostri: (2) A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit, (2) Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu, (3) Little Chimera, (3) Raging Flame Sprite, (2) Rigras Leever, (2) UFO Turtle, (3) Ultimate Baseball Kid
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (1) Heavy Storm, (2) Level Limit - Area B, (1) Mage Power, (2) Molten Destruction, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Swords of Revealing Light, (2) Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce, (1) United We Stand
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Gravity Bind, (1) Magic Jammer, (2) Raigeki Break, (1) Seven Tools of the Bandit, (2) Solemn Judgment, (1) Spritual Fire Art - Kurenai

Mazzo: Ultimate Mecha-Dragon
Mostri: (2) Blowback Dragon, (3) Cyber Dragon, (1) Cyber Jar, (2) Cyber Raider, (2) Drillago, (2) Heavy Mech Support Platform, (1) Jinzo, (2) Nanobreaker, (1) Reflect Bounder, (2) The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (1) De-Fusion, (2) Different Dimension Capsule, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Limiter Removal, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Nobleman of Crossout, (2) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Power Bond, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Snatch Steal, (1) Swords of Revealing Light
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Dust Tornado, (1) Magic Cylinder, (2) Magic Jammer, (2) Raigeki Break
Fusioni: (3) Cyber End Dragon, (3) Cyber Twin Dragon, (1) Gatling Dragon

Mazzo: Supreme Mecha-Dragon
Mostri: (1) Cyber Barrier Dragon, (3) Cyber Dragon, (1) Cyber Jar, (1) Cyber Laser Dragon, (1) Cyber-Stein, (2) Drillago, (1) Jinzo, (1) Magician of Faith, (2) Nanobreaker, (2) Proto-Cyber Dragon, (1) Reflect Bounder, (2) The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (1) De-Fusion, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Lightning Vortex, (1) Limiter Removal, (1) Metamorphosis, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Nobleman of Crossout, (1) Photon Generator Unit, (1) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (2) Power Bond, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Snatch Steal, (1) Swords of Revealing Light
Trappole: (1) Attack Reflector Unit, (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Magic Cylinder, (2) Metal Reflect Slime
Fusioni: (3) Cyber End Dragon, (3) Cyber Twin Dragon

Mazzo: New Mecha-Dragon
Mostri: (2) Blowback Dragon, (3) Cyber Dragon, (1) Cyber Jar, (1) Cyber Phoenix, (1) Cyber-Stein, (1) Jinzo, (1) Magician of Faith, (3) Proto-Cyber Dragon, (1) Reflect Bounder, (2) The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (1) De-Fusion, (2) Future Fusion, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Lightning Vortex, (1) Limiter Removal, (1) Metamorphosis, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Nobleman of Crossout, (1) Polymerization, (1) Pot of Greed, (2) Power Bond, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Swords of Revealing Light
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (3) Metal Reflect Slime, (1) Raigeki Break, (2) Solemn Judgment
Fusioni: (3) Cyber End Dragon, (3) Cyber Twin Dragon, (1) Gatling Dragon


Mazzo: Future Chancellor
Mostri: (3) Ancient Gear Beast, (2) Ancient Gear Cannon, (3) Ancient Gear Golem, (2) Ancient Gear Soldier, (1) Emes the Infinity, (2) Gear Golem the Moving Fortress, (2) Heavy Mech Support Platform, (2) The Trojan Horse
Incantesimi: (3) Ancient Gear Castle, (1) Autonomous Action Unit, (1) Confiscation, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Last Will, (1) Limiter Removal, (1) Monster Reincarnation, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Wave-Motion Cannon
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Damage Condenser, (2) Seven Tools of the Bandit, (2) Spell Shield Type-8, (3) Widespread Ruin

Mazzo: Medieval Murk
Mostri: (2) Adhesive Explosive, (2) Ancient Gear Beast, (2) Ancient Gear Cannon, (1) Ancient Gear Golem, (3) Ancient Gear Soldier, (3) Blast Sphere, (2) Searchlightman, (2) The Trojan Horse
Incantesimi: (2) Ancient Gear Castle, (1) Confiscation, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Limiter Removal, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Ceasefire, (2) Compulsory Evacuation Device, (2) Damage Condenser, (3) Drop Off, (3) Time Seal, (3) Widespread Ruin

Mazzo: Tic-Toc Gears
Mostri: (2) Ancient Gear Beast, (3) Ancient Gear Golem, (3) Green Gadget, (3) Red Gadget, (3) Yellow Gadget
Incantesimi: (2) Ancient Gear Castle, (2) Brain Control, (1) Confiscation, (1) Dark Hole, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Last Will, (1) Limiter Removal, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Offerings to the Doomed, (1) Pot of Avarice, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Shield Crash
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Sakuretsu Armor, (2) Seven Tools of the Bandit, (2) Spell Shield Type-8, (2) Ultimate Offering

Mazzo: Source-less Existence
Mostri: (1) A Cat of Ill Omen, (1) Cobra Jar, (1) Copycat, (1) Cyber Jar, (1) Dark Cat with White Tail, (1) Dice Jar, (1) Dimension Jar, (2) Grave Protector, (1) Morphing Jar, (1) Morphing Jar #2, (1) Parasite Ticky
Incantesimi: (1) Book of Moon, (2) Chain Energy, (2) Emergency Provisions, (1) Fiend's Sanctuary, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Opti-Camouflage Armor, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Riryoku, (1) Scapegoat, (2) Stray Lambs, (2) Stumbling, (1) Swords of Revealing Light, (2) Toll
Trappole: (2) Anti-Spell Frangrance, (1) Chain Burst, (1) Clone Duplication, (1) Curse of Darkness, (1) Magic Cylinder, (1) Magic Thorn, (2) Mask of Restrict, (1) Physical Double, (1) Statue of the Wicked

Mazzo: Finite Entity
Mostri: (3) Cobra Jar, (3) Copycat, (1) Cyber Jar, (1) Morphing Jar, (2) Morphing Jar #2, (3) The Tricky
Incantesimi: (1) Card Destruction, (3) Chain Energy, (2) Emergency Provisions, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Metamorphosis, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Opti-Camouflage Armor, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Scapegoat, (1) Swords of Revealing Light
Trappole: (2) Chain Burst, (2) Curse of Darkness, (1) Magic Cylinder, (1) Magic Jammer, (2) Magical Thorn, (1) Seven Tools of the Bandit, (2) Solemn Judgment, (2) Solemn Wishes
Fusioni: (1) Thousand-Eyes Restrict

Mini-guida a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force


Mazzo: Handsome Prince
Mostri: (3) Vorse Raider, (2) Chiron the Mage, (3) Enraged Battle Ox, (2) Exarion Universe, (3) Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei, (2) Lady Panther, (2) Mask of Darkness, (1) Mystical Knight of Jackal, (3) Panther Warrior, (2) Pitch-Black Warwolf
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (2) Gaia Power, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Stray Lambs, (2) Wild Nature's Release
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Driving Snow, (2) Dust Tornado, (2) Light of Intervention, (2) Solemn Judgment

Mazzo: Prince's Smile
Mostri: (3) Vorse Raider, (3) Wolf Axewielder, (2) Chiron the Mage, (3) Enraged Battle Ox, (2) Exarion Universe, (3) Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei, (2) Lady Panther, (1) Mystical Knight of Jackal, (3) Panther Warrior, (2) Pitch-Black Warwolf
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (2) Gaia Power, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Stray Lambs, (2) Wild Nature's Release
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Driving Snow, (2) Dust Tornado, (2) Light of Intervention, (1) Solemn Judgment

Mazzo: Blizzard Prince
Mostri: (3) Chiron the Mage, (3) Enraged Battle Ox, (3) Exarion Universe, (3) Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei, (2) Manticore of Darkness, (1) Mystical Knight of Jackal, (3) Pitch-Black Warwolf
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mage Power, (2) Megamorph, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Rush Recklessly, (1) Snatch Steal, (1) United We Stand, (2) Wild Nature's Release
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Judgment of Anubis, (2) Light of Intervention, (1) Magic Jammer, (1) Sevent Tools of the Bandit, (2) Solem Judgment

Mazzo: Immortal Ones
Mostri: (2) Curse of Vampire, (1) Despair from the Dark, (1) Double Coston, (1) Fear from the Dark, (1) Patrician of Darkness, (3) Pyramid Turtle, (2) Spirit Reaper, (2) The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion, (2) Vampire Genesis, (2) Vampire Lady, (2) Vampire Lord
Incantesimi: (3) Book of Life, (2) Call of the Mummy, (2) Giant Trunade, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Illusion Gate, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Overpowering Eye, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Shield Crash
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Magic Jammer, (2) Raigeki Break, (1) Torrential Tribute
Fusioni: (3) Reaper on the Nightmare

Mini-guida a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force


Mazzo: Pride of the Amazon
Mostri: (1) Amazon Archer, (2) Amazoness Blowpiper, (2) Amazoness Chainmaster, (2) Amazoness Fighter, (3) Amazoness Paladin, (3) Amazoness Swords Woman, (2) Amazoness Tiger, (2) Giant Rat
Incantesimi: (3) Amazoness Arena, (2) Amazoness Spellcaster, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Scapegoat, (2) Shield Crash, (2) Shrink
Trappole: (2) Amazoness Archers, (2) Blast with Chain, (2) Dramatic Rescue, (2) Kunai with Chain, (2) Light of Intervention

Mazzo: Dark Scorpion Burglars
Mostri: (2) Cliff the Trap Remover, (1) Cyber Jar, (2) Dark Scorpion - Chick the Yellow, (1) Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong, (3) Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn, (3) Don Zaloog, (1) Exiled Force, (3) Golem Sentry, (1) Night Assailant, (1) Sangan
Incantesimi: (2) Dark Scorpion - Tragedy of Love, (1) Lightning Vortex, (1) Mustering of the Dark Scorpions, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Reinforcement of the Army, (1) Snatch Steal, (1) Timidity, (1) United We Stand
Trappole: (3) Begone, Knave!, (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Dark Scorpion Combination, (1) Dark Scorpion Retreat, (1) Needle Wall, (2) Robbin' Goblin, (2) Sakuretsu Armor, (1) Trap Dustshoot

Mazzo: Majesty
Mostri: (3) Pharaoh's Servant, (3) Pharaoh's Protector, (2) Giant Axe Mummy, (2) Guardian Sphinx, (3) Pyramid Turtle, (2) Royal Keeper, (1) Spirit of the Pharaoh, (3) Spirit Reaper
Incantesimi: (3) Book of Life, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) The Second Sarcophagus, (1) The Third Sarcophagus, (2) Thousand Energy, (2) Tribute to the Doomed
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Human-Wave Tactics, (3) The First Sarcophagus, (1) The League of Uniform Nomenclature, (2) Tutan Mask


Mazzo: Dark Duelist
Mostri: (2) Archfiend Soldier, (2) Summoned Skull, (3) Darkbishop Archfiend, (1) Infernalqueen Archfiend, (1) Shadowknight Archfiend, (2) Skull Archfiend of Lightning, (2) Terrorking Archfiend, (3) Vilepawn Archfiend
Incantesimi: (1) Archfiend's Oath, (2) Axe of Despair, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Makiu, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Pandemonium, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (2) The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler
Trappole: (2) Archfiend's Roar, (2) Battle-Scarred, (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Hidden Soldiers, (2) Soul Demolition

Mazzo: Dark Pillar
Mostri: (3) Archfiend Soldier, (1) Summoned Skull, (2) Darkbishop Archfiend, (2) Desrook Archfiend, (2) Shadowknight Archfiend, (2) Skull Archfiend of Lightning, (2) Terrorking Archfiend, (2) Vilepawn Archfiend
Incantesimi: (2) Axe of Despair, (2) Checkmate, (2) Falling Down, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (3) Pandemonium, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler
Trappole: (1) Archfiend's Roar, (2) Bark of Dark Ruler, (2) Battle-Scarred, (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Hidden Soldiers, (1) Soul Demolition

Mazzo: Dark Duelist of Truth
Mostri: (3) Archfiend Soldier, (1) Summoned Skull, (2) Infernalqueen Archfiend, (3) Shadowknight Archfiend, (2) Skull Archfiend of Lightning, (3) Terrorking Archfiend, (3) Archfiend Matador
Incantesimi: (2) Axe of Despair, (3) Dark Arena, (2) Falling Down, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (3) Ritual of the Matador, (1) Archfiend's Roar, (2) Bark of Dark Ruler, (2) Battle-Scarred, (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Deck Devastation Virus, (2) Final Attack Orders

Mazzo: Destruction Brings Life
Mostri: (1) Cyber Jar, (3) D.D. Survivor, (3) Golden Homunculus, (3) Gren Maju da Eiza, (3) Homunculus the Alchemic Being, (2) Magical Merchant, (1) Morphing Jar, (2) Morphing Jar #2
Incantesimi: (3) Alchemic Kettle - Chaos Distill, (1) Card Destruction, (2) Chaos End, (1) Chaos Greed, (1) Dark Hole, (2) Fiend's Sanctuary, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Scapegoat, (1) Soul Release, (1) Swords of Revealing Light
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (2) Solemn Judgment, (2) Wall of Revealing Light

Mazzo: Phantasm's Pulse
Mostri: (1) Cyber Jar, (3) Giant Germ, (3) Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder, (1) Morphing Jar, (3) Newdoria, (2) Raviel, Lord of Phantasms, (1) Sangan, (3) Wall of Illusion
Incantesimi: (2) Burning Land, (1) Dark Hole, (3) Ground Collapse, (1) Heavy Storm, (2) Level Limit - Area B, (1) Lightning Vortex, (3) Messenger of Peace, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (2) Spell Absorption, (2) Swords of Revealing Light, (2) Wave-Motion Cannon
Trappole: (1) Crush Card Virus, (2) Dust Tornado, (2) Raigeki Break

Mini-guida a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force


Mazzo: Soul Draw
Mostri: (1) Doron, (1) Dorover, (1) Goblin Calligrapher, (2) Airknight Parshath, (2) Dark Mimic LV1, (2) Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive, (3) Flash Assailant, (2) Masked Sorcerer, (1) Morphing Jar, (2) Skelengel
Incantesimi: (1) Archfiend's Oath, (1) Card of Sanctity, (1) Dragged Down Into the Grave, (2) Final Destiny, (1) Offerings to the Doomed, (1) Pot of Avarice, (1) Pot of Greed, (2) Upstart Goblin
Trappole: (3) Corpse of Yata-Garasu, (2) Good Goblin Housekeeping, (3) Jar of Greed, (1) Reckless Greed, (3) Reverse Trap

Mazzo: Harpie's Revolt
Mostri: (3) Birdface, (3) Flying Kamakiri #1, (2) Garuda the Wind Spirit, (1) Harpie Lady #1, (1) Harpie Lady #2, (1) Harpie Lady #3, (2) Harpie Lady Sisters, (3) Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon, (2) Winged Sage Falcos
Incantesimi: (1) Dark Hole, (2) Elegant Egotist, (3) Harpies' Hunting Grounds, (1) Heavy Storm, (1) Lightning Vortex, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (1) Pot of Greed, (1) Premature Burial, (1) Snatch Steal, (1) Triange Ecstasy Spark
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (3) Hysteric Party, (3) Icarus Attack, (2) Mirror Wall, (2) Sakuretsu Armor
Fusioni: (3) Crimson Sunbird, (3) Punished Eagle, (3) Skullbird

Mazzo: Totally Hot Dude!!
Mostri: (1) Airknight Parshath, (1) Breaker the Magical Warrior, (1) D.D. Survivor, (1) Getsu Fuhma, (1) Holy Knight Ishzark, (1) Mataza the Zapper, (1) Mid Shield Gardna, (1) Mystic Swordsman LV2, (1) Mystic Swordsman LV4, (1) Mystic Swordsman LV6, (1) Nanobreaker, (1) Obnoxious Celtic Guard, (1) Rapid-Fire Magician, (1) Silent Swordsman LV3, (1) Silent Swordsman LV5, (1) Silent Swordsman LV7, (1) Tactical Espionage Expert, (1) Vampire Lord
Incantesimi: (3) Ante, (1) Dark Hole, (1) Heavy Storm, (2) Mistobody, (1) Mystical Space Typhoon, (2) Nobleman of Crossout, (1) Premature Burial, (2) Reinforcement of the Army, (1) Swords of Revealing Light, (2) The A. Forces, (1) United We Stand
Trappole: (1) Call of the Haunted, (1) Fairy's Hand Mirror, (1) Fiend's Hand Mirror, (2) Mirror Wall
Fusioni: (1) Alkana Knight Joker, (1) Dark Paladin, (1) Vermillion Sparrow

Mini-guida a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force


Completate il gioco almeno una volta per scegliere come alleati i personaggi dei Gruppi 2 e 3. Per quanto riguarda quelli del Gruppo 1, date loro da mangiare i sandwich che preferiscono (troverete quali sono nelle informazioni del personaggio) in modo da aumentare i cuori di cui dispongono. Per i personaggi dal primo, Jaden Yuki, al settimo, Zane Truesdale, bisogna essere in possesso di almeno sette cuori. Velian Crowler va sconfitto in duello, con almeno 8000 LP di differenza, nella classe o nell'ufficio del cancelliere. Lyman Banner va invece sconfitto, dopo essersi fati seguire da Pharaoh the Cat, nella caffetteria tra le 7 e le 8 di sera, o nella sua stanza. Sconfiggete Atticus Rhodes sulla spiaggia alle 6 del mattino, Camula all'Obelisk Blue Girls Dome dopo le 10 di sera, Tania dopo la stessa ora nella foresta, Don Zaloog sempre successivamente alle 10 di sera nello Slifer Red Dorm, Abidos the Third davanti al cancello principale dell'accademia, Titan al porto, Amnael nel dormitorio abbandonato e Kagemaru sulla collina. Damon andrà invece sconfitto nel negozio della scuola al mattino, Jasmine nella classe o nel Blue Dorm, Mindy nello stesso luogo, Blair nell'angolo in alto a sinistra dello Slifer Red Dorm, Para e Dox sulla collina, la Dark Magician Girl nella cascata nella foresta, Jinzio di notte nella centrale elettrica, Sadie nel negozio, Dorothy al festival scolastico, Slade e Jagger Princeton al porto, Fonda Fontaine nell'Obelisk Blue Girls Dorm, The Gambler al porto, Yasmin dopo le 10 nella foresta. Nightshroud diventerà il vostro alleato assieme ad Atticus Rhodes, mentre per Mimicry bisognerà completare il gioco con tutti i primi sette personaggi. Wade andrà sconfitto nell'Obelisk Blue Girls Dorm, George nella classe, insieme ad Hose, Dean, Lioside e Gillian. Con i personaggi dal #41, Kenyou, al #103, Yumi, non bisognerà fare praticamente nulla. Vi basterà infatti chiedere loro di diventare vostri compagni per ricevere una risposta affermativa. Completate il gioco con almeno tre personaggi del Gruppo 1 per avere la possibilità di chiedere agli ultimi sei, quelli che vanno dal #104 al #109, di unirsi a voi come alleati. Inoso lo dovrete sconfiggere nel dormitorio abbandonato, Emperor Umiuma sul vulcano, Mokuma nel retro del negozio, Sanzyudai Yuki nella mensa dello Slifer Red Dorm, Senjone al mattino nell'Obelisk Blue Boys Dorm e Sironos nella classe, sempre al mattino.

Sommario della mini-guida