Thief - La nuova patch migliora le performance e aggiusta alcuni crash

Ladro incerottato

NOTIZIA di Giorgio Melani   —   10/03/2014
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Come riportato da DSOGaming, Eidos Montreal e Nixxes Software hanno rilasciato una nuova patch per Thief, anche se non è chiaro al momento se sia disponibile solo per la versione PC o anche per le console.

Comunque, la patch 1.2 appare piuttosto sostanziosa e migliora in generale le performance del gioco, aggiustando anche alcuni bug che generavano crash in alcune fasi. Ecco il changelog completo, in inglese:

- Fixed an issue where, for some users, controller right stick would not turn the camera and controller hints would not appear
- Fixed an issue where, for some users, the keyboard mapping menu would immediately map a key and then hang
- Fixed an issue with the fog when SSAA was enabled that was introduced in v1.1
- Fixed a crash when the user had 99 saves and tried to access the save menu in game
- Added an option to the launcher configuration dialog to run the 32-bit version on a 64-bit machine. The 32-bit version has several features disabled causing it to use less memory, providing a smoother experience for users with lower spec machines. The checkbox for this option can be found in the display tab of the launcher options dialogue
- Update: Deploy additional DLLs with the game to avoid issues with corrupt DLLs on user machines, which could cause the game to not start at all
- Update: Moved Lockpick and Frame Search helper to the HUD menu and will now also affect mouse/keyboard
WARNING: Disabling Frame Search helper while playing with mouse/keyboard could make it very hard, if not impossible, to find the button
- Various performance improvements
- Various crash fixes

Fonte: DSOGaming