Unity annuncia i finalisti degli Unite Awards 2014

Ecco i titoli in lizza

NOTIZIA di Tommaso Pugliese   —   07/08/2014
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
News Video Immagini

Unity ha annunciato i finalisti degli Unite Awards 2014, il concorso che include nove differenti categorie e premia i prodotti che hanno utilizzato nel modo migliore il popolare motore grafico. La cerimonia di assegnazione dei riconoscimenti si terrà il 21 agosto a Seattle.

Golden Cube
- Device 6 (Simogo)
- Gone Home (Fullbright Company)
- Hearthstone (Blizzard Entertainment)
- Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Press Play)
- Monument Valley (ustwo)
- Republique (Camoflaj)

Best 3D Visual Experience
- Guardian Stone (Delusion Games)
- Hitman GO (Square Enix Montreal)
- Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Press Play)
- Monument Valley (ustwo)
- Republique (Camoflaj)
- The Room Two (Fireproof Games)

Best 2D Visual Experience
- Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians (THREAKS)
- Device 6 (Simogo)
- Ittle Dew (Ludosity)
- Rakoo's Adventure (Old School Games)
- Teslagrad (Rain Games)
- The Bridge (Ty Taylor and Mario Castaneda)

Best Gameplay
- Gone Home (Fullbright Company)
- Hearthstone (Blizzard Entertainment)
- Hitman GO (Square Enix Montreal)
- Jazzpunk (Necrophone Games)
- The Bridge (Ty Taylor and Mario Castaneda)
- Threes (Hidden Variable Studios)

Best Technical Achievement
- Shader Forge (Joachim Holmér)
- uFrame (Invert Game Studios)
- Sectr (Make Code Now!)
- Particle Playground (Polyfied)
- Sunshine (Punk Labs)
- Alloy (RUST LTD)

Best VizSim Project
- Best VizSim Project (Neutral Digital)
- 3D planning system for Olympic games (Vizerra)
- DriveSim (ITCL - Virtual & Augmented reality group)
- Minto Longbranch Visualization (NVYVE Inc.)
- REALIS3D (Real Visual)
- CloudWall for ShopFloor (Zahner)

Best Non-game Project
- Art and Skin (Alexx Henry Studios, LLC)
- Iterazer (prefrontal cortex)
- Seasonal Skin (Carl Emil Carlsen & Andreas Busk (sound design)
- The Entertainment (Cardboard Computer)
- The Shoebox Diorama Presents (The Shoebox Diorama (Daniël Ernst))
- Toca Lab (Toca Boca)

Best Student Project
- 4PM (Bojan Brbora - National Film Institute)
- Cyber Heist (Hack n' Hide - University Of Utah)
- Defunct (Freshly Squeezed - Uppsala University)
- Kawiteros (Kawiteam - ICAN)
- See You On The Other Side (Tunnel Vision Games - Aalborg University)