L'aggiornamento 1.09 di Dark Souls III è atteso per questa settimana

La patch 1.09 corregge diversi elementi del DLC Ashes of Ariandel di Dark Souls III

NOTIZIA di Giorgio Melani   —   21/11/2016
Dark Souls III
Dark Souls III
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Fresco fresco di vittoria del titolo di "Gioco dell'Anno" ai Golden Joystick Award, Dark Souls III si prepara a ricevere anche un nuovo aggiornamento.

L'update 1.09 in questione dovrebbe dunque arrivare tra il 24 e il 25 novembre, ed è dedicato soprattutto ad aggiustamenti e correzioni connessi alla nuova espansione Ashes of Ariandel, arrivata di recente. Si tratta di interventi che vanno da elementi di secondaria importanza a correzioni di bug potenzialmente dannosi, per buona parte connessi alla nuova porzione di gioco aggiunta con il primo DLC.

Tra questi troviamo aggiornamenti al multiplayer in Painted World of Ariandel e correzioni legate al combattimento con Sir Vilhelm, sistemazioni sul Livid Pyromancer Dunnel, sul blocco che emerge in certi casi in corrispondenza di Friede e il Gravetender Greatwolf e tanto altro. Riportiamo qua sotto le note complete, in inglese, come pubblicate da GamingBolt.

  • Updated multiplayer in the Painted World of Ariandel so that guests can also fight Sir Vilhelm.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where Sir Vilhelm would get trapped in the rocks.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where Sir Vilhelm would disappear/reappear in certain areas.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where the character name is not displayed when locked on to Livid Pyromancer Dunnel.
  • Fixed an issue where it becomes impossible to progress further in the game because, Friede occasionally does not respawn as Blackflame Friede.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where the Gravetender Greatwolf would not appear in the battle.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where a crab enemy would float in the air if led to a certain location.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where a certain Birch Woman would suddenly appear directly in front of the player.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where certain crystal lizards would not move until they began to attack.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where the crab enemies movement patterns would change if the player repeatedly saved/loaded data near them.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where the knight enemies in the tower would disappear if the player repeatedly saved/loaded data in that area.
  • Fixed an issue in the Painted World of Ariandel where a bridge would break in the host's side, but not on the guest's side.
  • Fixed an issue where the application would freeze upon trying to load a 6-Player undead Match.
  • Fixed an issue in the Undead Match where the controls at times become unresponsive when joining a session.
  • Fixed an issue in the Undead Match where consumable items were not restored after the battle ended.
  • Fixed an issue in the Undead Match where the player is unable to see other players' soceries such as Homing Soulmass, Homing Crystal Soulmass, etc.
  • Fixed an issue where some motions which were improved in patch 1.08 did not take effect when a weapon was equipped to the left hand.
  • Fixed an issue where the weight of Curved Swords fluctuated in Regulation 1.22.
  • Fixed an issue where the player can fall from any height by repeatedly performing the Crow Quills skill while the Silvercat Ring is equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where player could not be absolved of sin as long as Siegward of Catarina remained in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was able to leave the area during the battle with the Crystal Sage.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grand Archives where the Elder Prince, Lorian would warp outside of the boss area.
  • Fixed an issue in the Grand Archives where a boss battle would start upon returning from a multiplayer session.
  • Fixed an issue where the guest could enter the boss area before the host.
  • Fixed other issues and adjusted game balance.