No Man's Sky si aggiorna con la patch 1.55

No Man's Sky si è aggiornato ancora con una nuova patch, vediamo i dettagli

NOTIZIA di Giorgio Melani   —   13/08/2018
No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky
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Continua il percorso di evoluzione di No Man's Sky, che ha subito un vero e proprio rilancio con l'uscita dell'aggiornamento Next e della versione Xbox One.

Il gioco si è ulteriormente aggiornato con la patch 1.55, che contiene molti aggiustamenti applicati a diversi settori del gioco, tra elementi tecnici e gameplay. Riportiamo qua sotto il changelog completo (in inglese) dell'aggiornamento 1.55 applicato a No Man's Sky, con tutti i dettagli sui cambiamenti effettuati.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a memory leak in the UI
  • Fixed a number of crashes to do with freighters
  • Fixed a crash that affected particular planets
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while creating a race track in a borrowed Exocraft
  • Reduced texture memory usage to improve overall stability
  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in The Purge mission
  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in the Ghost in the Machine mission
  • Fixed an issue where players would receive incorrect mission instructions while returning with the Mind-Arc
  • Fixed an issue where Sentinels would chase players forever if they did not complete the final Weapon Specialist mission
  • Fixed an issue that was causing dialogue and rewards at certain found buildings to repeat (including Traveller graves and portal glyphs)
  • Fixed an issue that caused players upgrading their save to not have any primary missions if they were on the tutorial for expanding their inventory when they upgraded to NEXT
  • Fixed an issue that prevented pre-NEXT saves from accessing the Base Computer Archive missions
  • Fixed an issue where some non-existent base parts were showing in the Guide
  • Fixed an issue where legacy saves would not know the recipe for microchips, the large refiner and some advanced survival products
  • Fixed an issue where trade commodities were not available for sale in the space station
  • Fixed an issue where player ships could shoot themselves in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where some base parts were not available in the blueprint analyser
  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck if they died before using the Navigation Data in the tutorial
  • Fixed an issue where the labels of hot / cold thermal protection upgrades were the wrong way around
  • Fixed an issue where the Efficient Launch Thruster upgrade was not learnable in space stations
  • Fixed an issue where terrain edits caused by building parts would regenerate in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where Base Computers placed inside other bases could not be deleted
  • Fixed some instances of an issue where ships would all spawn on the same landing pad
  • Fixed a number of incorrect refiner recipes
  • Expanded the available refiner recipes
  • Removed the chance to get nanites from Buried Technology Modules
  • Reduced the frequency of storms in some situations
  • Slightly increased the cost of launch fuel, but made one canister entirely refill the thrusters
  • In normal mode, slightly reduced the base rates of hazard and life support fuel usage
  • Slightly reduced the radius at which Sentinel drones will investigate players
  • Reduced the time required to scan discoveries with the Analysis Visor
  • Increased the recharge rate of the jetpack when onboard a Space Station
  • Since the release of No Man's Sky NEXT, farm plants have grown in real-world time (rather than game time), allowing farms to continue growing while you are away from the game. As a consequence, adjusted farming times + prices.
  • Placed the Space Anomaly marker on the entrance to the Anomaly rather than the centre of the model
  • Fixed an issue where mission markers would not attach to the correct base
  • Reduced the number of whispering eggs around Abandoned Buildings
  • Fixed an issue with rain audio
  • Added audio to the target tagging UI
  • Fixed a bug in the auto-aim system concerning large creatures
  • Reduced the critical hit zone for biological horrors
  • Fixed an issue in creature replication that could cause creatures to freeze
  • Fixed an issue where mordite would not be awarded to the correct player when killing creatures in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the third person camera to turn sluggishly
  • Fixed an issue where players respawning in Survival mode would have no life support and rapidly die again
  • Fixed an issue where some of Nada + Polo's missions had untranslated text
  • Fixed an issue where some of the procedural missions given by NPCs had untranslated text
  • Fixed an issue where some exotic biomes incorrectly reported their weather as fine or calm
  • Fixed an issue where chairs did not display their text correctly
  • Fixed an issue where the launch fuel tutorial did not trigger correctly
  • Fixed a number of incorrect timings of mission update messages
  • Fixed an issue where activating the torch did not close the quick menu
  • Fixed an issue where Infra-Knife accelerator projectiles would originate from behind the player's ship.
  • Fixed an issue where the freighter would not be visible to other players in multiplayer
  • Fixed a number of issues where expeditions would reward the wrong player in multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where fleet frigates would return to the wrong location on completion of an expedition.
  • Fixed an issue where changing between first and third person camera while on a ladder would break player animations.
  • Fixed an issue where players would lose access to the main menu after reloading a save just after upgrading to NEXT
  • Fixed an issue where Korvax eye textures would become misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue where falling animations would not play
  • Fixed an issue where the player would play the sliding animation while swimming
  • Fixed an issue that would stop players from firing or reloading their Multi-Tool in specific situations
  • Fixed an issue where Multi-Tool lasers would bend in the wrong direction.
  • Fixed an issue where the Multi-Tool glitched while going into the Analysis Visor
  • Fixed a number of issues for players in specific time zones