Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines aggiornato con la patch non ufficiale 10.3RC3

Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines continua da anni a essere aggiornato dal team Wesp5, che ha appena pubblicato la patch non ufficiale 10.3RC3.

NOTIZIA di Simone Tagliaferri   —   06/04/2019
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
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Sono anni che il team amatoriale Wesp5 continua ad aggiornare Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines. Attualmente la patch non ufficiale del gioco ha raggiunto la versione 10.3RC3.

Se ricordate, al lancio Bloodlines era in uno stato disastroso. Oltretutto, le scarse vendite portarono il publisher Activision a tagliare i fondi alla fallita Troika Games per le patch di aggiornamento. Ne pubblicarono alcune e Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines poteva essere finito, ma i bug erano ancora tantissimi. Il gioco era comunque un viaggio affascinante nel Mondo di Tenebra, al punto che non pochi si lasciarono rapire dalle sue raffinate meccaniche GDR e dallo scenario tratteggiato con rara cura. Fu allora che il team Wesp5 decise di produrre una patch non ufficiale per sistemare i bug residui, patch che con gli anni è diventata più ambiziosa, andando a modificare alcuni aspetti del gioco, tra i quali il livello di difficoltà e alcuni aspetti dei clan.

Da notare che il primo Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, uscito solo su PC, è tornato in auge con l'annuncio di Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2, che si spera mantenga lo stesso livello qualitativo (ma non i bug).

Per chi fosse interessato, la patch non ufficiale 10.3RC3 di Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines può essere scaricata da NexusMods.

Di seguito, il changelog completo:

  • Made magic projectile of fatguys do aggravated damage like Ming's.
  • Corrected plus and basic Arthur lines and fixed Gimble phone bug.
  • Added Unofficial Patch contributors to credits and restored basic.
  • Fixed note in tattoo parlor and teleporting of Confession dancer.
  • Removed Humanity gain of serial killer if you kill him afterwards.
  • Swapped Colt Anaconda and Desert Eagle damage and added .38 kick.
  • Improved Sabbat ending and choice dialogues, thanks burgermeister.
  • Made Obfuscator appear after warehouse and adjusted maximal ammo.
  • Disabled plus lines of Bertram, Jack, Heather, Carson and LaCroix.
  • Erased Coffee Shop and Smoke Shop door handles from hub in basic.
  • Fixed Tommy fix and restored several weapons parameters for basic.
  • Removed seminude prostitute from SM again and from Chinatown too.
  • Restored beachhouse PC difficulty and locked Tung's tank in basic.
  • Improved elevator display and climbing back in vent at SM clinic.
  • Fixed map holes outside Ocean House and lowered ghost music there.
  • Corrected overlapping music and several portals at the warehouse.
  • Covered trigger texture inside Ocean House and removed a laughter.
  • Fixed warrens door, restored whispers and removed rats for basic.
  • Moved Club Confession's restroom and fixed cash register lighting.
  • Corrected Romero leaving and unlocked Red Spot backdoor in basic.
  • Fixed minor issue in hospital and removed cops on Dane screenshot.
  • Removed Larry's floats in basic patch and made them less in plus.
  • Unlocked junkyard kennels for basic and removed Sin Bin plus logs.
  • Fixed LOD effect in Chinatown hub and improved the Giovanni well.
  • Restored visibly vanishing Gary and removed zombie fleeing sounds.
  • Swapped blade and thrower and restored two ghouls to Hallowbrook.
  • Removed King's Way cat sounds and Blood Hunt heli sounds in basic.
  • Hid a wall hole during taxi ride and removed all special letters.
  • Corrected ModDev Guide detail and updated SDK, thanks to Psycho-A.
  • Restored basic dialogue popup and Ocean House Malkavian whispers.
  • Fixed a hitman problem and removed some unnecessary SM hub blocks.
  • Swapped pictures of restored Ocean House and Halloween newspaper.
  • Removed plus Hallowbrook sound and warehouse intro music in basic.
  • Fixed combat music on blood hunt map and duplicated Therese line.
  • Removed plus inspection in the Tattoo Shop and sound for clothing.
  • Corrected reel to reel at Grout's mansion and stuck museum guard.
  • Fixed distraction of Giovanni backdoor guard and minor map issues.
  • Restored three Heather lines, two Lily lines, and subtitle names.
  • Fixed hit blood spatters and thin bloods leaving beachhouse beach.
  • Repaired model, texture, sign and sound details, thanks Psycho-A.
  • Fixed wrong stalker voices and a dead NPC hearable at beach house.
  • Corrected payphone and Giovanni spirit models, thanks to DDLullu.
  • Repaired Venture Tower elevator, portals and Giovanni zombie trap.